New Year and Birthday Celebration was held at Uda Hj Murad & Uda D'ziah's residence at Kg Reemba.

Sayap Ayam Berbaque (their own secret recipe) di sediakan oleh Ering Md Shah & Ering Laini, Thank U guys. See Chef Md Shah menyalai , nyaman kali ahhhhh......
Thanks to all siapa siapa saja yang telah membawa pot luck ke sambutan tersebut

Birthday Twin Brother Uda Hj Murad and Uda Hj Badah (Mutalip). It was a suprise Birthday, all their nephews & nieces sang them a birthday songs and brought a LIVERPOOL birthday cake. To Liverpool fans, jangan jeoulous ahhhh..... To Hj Badah, sorry lah I thought you are LIVERP OOL fan, rupanya Manchester United, this year U hint-hint ur wife to make Manchester United Birthday Cake
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