Once upon a time in the deep forest there lays the quite village called KFC. All the villagers know one another. Their lives were peaceful and prosperous.
One morning as the villagers go with their daily routine they felt a pang of awkwardness. There were no sounds; no birds were fly past, no barking of dogs, the sky was gloomy, total silence. Then suddenly they felt a sudden tremor. Every second the tremor intensifies. This is no ordinary earthquake thought the village elders. Soon the shakes came to a halt, as the villagers regain stability they were all shocked as they witness a humongous giant stand behind a tree. Without a warning the gruesome giant became rogue attacking every house he laid eyes upon. His foot destroyed many houses with a single stomped, his smile could make people scream in fear and worst of all his fashion sense was the worst thing the villagers have ever seen.
All hopes were lost forever but miraculously two brave warrior robots came to the rescue. In order to save the village the elder begged the warriors to save the village and get rid of the hideous beast forever. At first the robots were really reluctant to accept the offer but as the robots witness the brutality of the selfish beast they agreed.
Eventually the robots used their high tech machinery to pursue the beast: which are luxuries race cars .
The giant continued to ravage the village with its huge old fashion shoes.
As time passes the giant is getting hungrier and hungrier. Then it saw a mob of people running about. The giant suddenly feels the urge to gobble all the villagers. When the villagers saw the hungry looking giant heading towards them they ultimately were chased.

The villagers ran until they reached a dead end. As the hunger-struck giant gets nearer for its feast the villagers scream with fear as they witness the most horrible face they ever seen: the face of Mr. Bean, hahahahaha……..

….the giant’s head was decapitated and the villagers were saved by the brave warrior robot.
Poor Mr. Bean......