Selamat pulang ke Tanah Air to Bro. Hj Abd Mutalib and Sis. Hjh Zainap pada 5 Disember 2009 . Moga-moga mendapat haji yang mabrur.
Selasa, 8 Disember 2009
Isnin, 7 Disember 2009
Happy Birthday to Amar Syahirah
Get Well Soon
Ahad, 6 Disember 2009
Perlawanan Bolasepak Nov 2009
Football match was held on 29 November 2009 at Kg Kulapis. The team consist of Kota Batu Team and Telanai Team.
Rabu, 2 Disember 2009
EXPO 09, Agriculture & Agri Food Brunei Darussalam
RHM family visited an Expo on Agriculture & Agri Food at Kampong Tungku, Gadong. Have an opportunity to ride on a tractor to see large area of farm. Lots of vegetables and fruits planted in the farm like kangkong, bayam, sawi, papaya, chillies, eggplant, long beans many many more. Animal exhibits like buffaloes, cows, goats, ostrich, emu, chickens kept in the farm site.
For information the animal exihibits, flower and vegetables landscaping will be opened to the public every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The site can be used for jogging and for families to take a stroll during the weekends.

For information the animal exihibits, flower and vegetables landscaping will be opened to the public every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The site can be used for jogging and for families to take a stroll during the weekends.
An Ostrich posing
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